How Do Trusted House Sitters Work? Becoming a Pet Sitter

spellbound travels how do trusted house sitters work?

In today’s fast-paced world, finding reliable pet and house care while travelling can be a daunting task. This is where platforms like Trusted Housesitters come into play. But how do Trusted House Sitters work? Let’s dive into the details of this housesitting platform that connects homeowners with trustworthy sitters, ensuring peace of mind for all involved.

Understanding Trusted Housesitters

Trusted Housesitters is an online platform that matches homeowners needing pet and house care with sitters looking for accommodation. Trusted Housesitters operates on a membership model unlike traditional pet sitting or house sitting services. 

Both homeowners and sitters pay an annual fee to join the community, allowing them to post and apply for assignments respectively. This model fosters a community based on trust, mutual benefits, and shared interests.

You won’t find paid house sits on TrustedHousesitters because it’s based on an exchange where both the house sitter and homeowner benefit!

My Housesitting Experience 

I first heard of TrustedHousesitters in 2023 and realized it was a great way to travel on a budget! If you enjoy working with pets, it might be the perfect exchange for you. Since joining TrustedHousesitters, I’ve completed multiple house sits in the UK and Ireland. 

If you have any questions about house sitting, you can always DM me on Instagram! 

The Process for Homeowners

For homeowners, the process begins with creating a detailed profile on the Trusted Housesitters website. 

Here’s a step-by-step look at how it works:

  1. Sign Up and Create a Listing: Homeowners start by signing up and creating a listing for their home and pets. This listing should include comprehensive information about the home, pets, and the specific needs or routines that sitters need to follow. Try to include high-quality photos that accurately represent your home to attract the best sitters!
  2. Review Applications: Once the listing is live, potential sitters can apply for the house sit. Homeowners can review these applications, looking at the sitters’ profiles, reviews, and references. Trusted Housesitters allows homeowners to communicate with applicants directly through the platform, facilitating a transparent selection process.
  3. Choose the Right Sitter: You have plenty of time to evaluate all the possible housesitters before making a decision. Once applications have been reviewed, homeowners can choose a sitter that best fits their requirements. Homeowners should do a quick video call with the applicants they’re interested in to make the best decision. Although video calls aren’t necessary, they give both parties a chance to ask questions and get a feel for each other to see if they want to move forward. 
  4. Prepare for the Sit: Before the sit begins, homeowners should prepare a detailed guide for the sitter. This guide can include important information such as emergency contacts, pet care routines, and instructions for household appliances. This preparation helps ensure a smooth transition and a successful sit.

The Process for Sitters

Sitters, on the other hand, enjoy the opportunity to travel and stay in different locations without the cost of accommodation. 

Here’s how they get started:

  1. Sign Up and Create a Profile: Sitters sign up and create a profile showcasing their experience, skills, and availability. A well-crafted profile with positive reviews and references increases the chances of being selected for desirable sits. To get your first review, watch a friend or family member’s pets. Then ask them to write an external for you to put on your profile.
  2. Search and Apply for Listings: Sitters can browse through available listings worldwide, using filters to find opportunities that match their preferences. When you find a suitable sit, apply by sending a personalized message to the homeowner. Express your interest and suitability for the role. Personalized messages are incredibly important, as they’re the first impression to homeowners and can show a house sitter’s sincerity. 
  3. Secure the Sit: If the homeowner is interested, they may request further information or arrange a video call. Once both parties are satisfied, the sit is confirmed. Trusted Housesitters provides tools to facilitate this process, ensuring clear communication and agreement on responsibilities. PRO TIP: If you’re having trouble securing a sit, look for sits in ‘less’ desirable cities or countries where homeowners may have a harder time finding someone to sit for them. I got my first few sits in Wales in the fall because most people aren’t looking to explore Wales in the rainy weather so it was easy to get experience that way!
  4. Enjoy the Experience: During the sit, sitters take care of the home and pets as agreed upon. They often share updates and photos with the homeowners, maintaining open lines of communication.

Want the full guide on how to get started as a house sitter? Get my FREE guide here!

The Benefits of Using Trusted Housesitters

  1. Cost-Effective: For homeowners, using Trusted Housesitters can be more cost-effective than hiring professional pet sitters or boarding pets. For sitters, it offers free accommodation, making travel more affordable. Homeowners on the other hand don’t have to pay a kennel or individual to watch their pet while they’re away. 
  2. Peace of Mind: The platform’s review and reference system helps ensure that both parties are reliable and trustworthy. Homeowners can travel knowing their pets and home are in good hands, while sitters can feel confident in the legitimacy of their accommodation.
  3. Mutual Benefits: TrustedHousesitters operates on a principle of mutual benefit. Homeowners get free pet and house care, while sitters receive free accommodation. This exchange fosters a sense of community and shared purpose.
  4. Global Community: With listings in various countries, TrustedHousesitters offers sitters the opportunity to experience new cultures and environments. For homeowners, it means access to a global network of experienced and passionate sitters.

The Housesitting Platform I Trust

As I mentioned at the start of this blog, I’ve been using TrustedHousesitters for a little while now and love it!

The platform is incredibly easy to use and you can browse sits for FREE before signing up for a membership. When you’re ready to contact the homeowners, you can use my 25% discount for an annual membership!

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Get Started With TrustedHousesitters

So, how do Trusted House sitters work? It’s a seamless process that benefits both homeowners and sitters through a trusted community platform. 

By understanding the steps involved, both parties can maximize their experience, ensuring pets and homes receive the best care possible. Whether you’re a homeowner looking for peace of mind while away, or a sitter seeking new adventures, TrustedHousesitters offers a unique solution that blends practicality with community spirit. 

As the platform continues to grow, it stands as a testament to the power of trust and mutual benefits in creating a global network of responsible and caring individuals.

I’ll be back shortly with a new blog but in the meantime, you can follow my adventures as a full-time traveller and digital nomad on InstagramTikTok and YouTube! 


Amy xx 

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