Reverse Culture Shock: 7 Signs & How To Deal With It

Reverse Culture Shock: 7 Signs & How To Deal With It

In 2016 I spent a semester studying abroad in Australia. When I came home, I felt a little different but the change wasn't too noticeable. It wasn't until I spent a full year in Australia in 2018 and then solo travelled for 3 months consecutively before returning to Canada that I noticed a huge shift. [...]

Backpacking Asia During Covid-19: What it was REALLY like

Backpacking Asia During Covid-19: What it was REALLY like

The past few months have been a crazy time for everyone around the world. For those travelling like myself, things seemed to escalate rather rapidly. So I’m here to share my story of what backpacking Asia during the Coronavirus outbreak was really like ... Similar to the 5 stages of grief, my experience backpacking through [...]

Spending Christmas Abroad – What it’s Really Like

Spending Christmas Abroad – What it’s Really Like

Spending Christmas abroad must be awful right? My short answer: not necessarily. See, as I’ve grown up, the holidays have started to wear thin. So many presents to buy for so many people, heaps of events & so on. Needless to say, the commercialization got to me. So when I had to leave Australia at [...]

Why I Swore I’d Never Ride a Scooter in Asia Again

Why I Swore I’d Never Ride a Scooter in Asia Again

Here’s the thing, if you know me at all you’d know that I love driving. I got my G1 (learner’s permit in Canada) on my 16th birthday and have been driving ever since pretty flawlessly. With no accidents on my record for a solid 8 years, I was confident in my ability to ride a [...]